News: School of Agriculture Food and Wine

Searching for indigenous yeasts to create tastier wine

Natalia Caliani drinking wine

Yeasts are everywhere - these blessed creatures are the building blocks for a party, writes Natalia Caliani.

[Read more about Searching for indigenous yeasts to create tastier wine]

'Lifestyle' wines could deliver hundreds of jobs to SA

Winery photo

Low and no-alcohol wine products could bring more than 500 jobs and add $64 million a year to South Australia’s economy.

[Read more about 'Lifestyle' wines could deliver hundreds of jobs to SA]

New research puts bugs to the taste test

Green ant by Robert Waghorn

New research to develop more accurate and consumer friendly descriptions for one of the most sustainable and high protein food sources on the planet, edible insects.

[Read more about New research puts bugs to the taste test]

University of Adelaide science community recognised in Australia Day Honours

Professor Helen Marshall

The University of Adelaide congratulates alumni, staff and friends recognised in the 2022 Australia Day Honours list.

[Read more about University of Adelaide science community recognised in Australia Day Honours]

Vines strike a pose for the new VitiCanopy app

Superstar of STEM Roberto De Bei

New upgrades to VitiCanopy, the mobile app that helps grapegrowers manage their vineyards more effectively.

[Read more about Vines strike a pose for the new VitiCanopy app]

New director for SA Drought Hub

Stephen Lee researcher photo

The South Australian Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub has announced the appointment of the University of Adelaide’s Dr Stephen Lee as its Director.

[Read more about New director for SA Drought Hub]

Do fungicides in the vineyard affect wine quality?

Vineyard spraying Adelaide Hills

How does a crucial viticultural practice that occurs throughout the growing season, affect wine quality? Wine researcher Natalia Caliani wants to know.

[Read more about Do fungicides in the vineyard affect wine quality?]

$10 million boost for University of Adelaide research

North Terrace campus aerial photo

New Australian Research Council funding paves the way for further discoveries.

[Read more about $10 million boost for University of Adelaide research]

Science awards celebrate 2021 academic, student and staff success

Three staff members were recognised for exceptional performance in 2021.  Kiralee Vincent – the faculty's Senior Academic Support Officer based at Roseworthy campus. Dr Maïlys Stirling, the faculty’s Research Technical Services Manager. Lisa Laws, the Business Manager of the School of Physical Sciences and School of Biological Sciences.

The recent Faculty of Sciences’ awards showcase celebrated research, teaching, leadership, professional staff and student success.

[Read more about Science awards celebrate 2021 academic, student and staff success]

New inexpensive method to detect lime in soil

PhD student Ruby Hume’s research is also investigating in-field spectral assessment of soils using infrared spectroscopy technology.

University of Adelaide scientists have developed a new simple, inexpensive and fast method to detect and measure very low concentrations of agricultural lime in soils, which is generally a time consuming and difficult exercise.

[Read more about New inexpensive method to detect lime in soil]

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