News: School of Agriculture Food and Wine

Tackling the causes of the Amazon forest fires


If we are so concerned for the rainforest why don’t we do more globally to help protect it?

[Read more about Tackling the causes of the Amazon forest fires]

Spaghetti and mud pies scoop 3-Minute Thesis final

Sciences 3 minute thesis finals 2019 winners

The depth and diversity of research student projects in the Faculty of Sciences was once again on display at this week's final of the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition.

[Read more about Spaghetti and mud pies scoop 3-Minute Thesis final]

Research giants team up to boost primary industries sector

Uni PIRSA SARDI research agreement

Collaborative research will expand to embrace expertise in areas such as engineering, mathematics, computer science, big data, and machine learning, for the application of new technologies.

[Read more about Research giants team up to boost primary industries sector]

Why is the colour blue so rare in nature?

Blue Morpho butterfly

Blue is a very prominent colour on earth. But when it comes to nature, blue is very rare. Less than 1 in 10 plants have blue flowers and far fewer animals are blue.

[Read more about Why is the colour blue so rare in nature?]

Not all weeds are bad - Some may actually be good for Australian grasslands

Mokota Conservation Park, a remnant grassland in the mid-north region of South Australia (approximately 160 km north of Adelaide). Photo by Greg Guerin.

Recent case studies have revealed an overall positive relationships between the diversity of native species and presence of weedy species, notably in Mediterranean Biome grasslands.

[Read more about Not all weeds are bad - Some may actually be good for Australian grasslands]

Do fruit tree nets impact the ability of bees to carry pollen?

Native Furrow Bee Pollinating apple - M Saunders

Researchers to collaborate with industry to explore the effect of netting on beehive health, set and quality of apples.

[Read more about Do fruit tree nets impact the ability of bees to carry pollen?]

Students claim high-steaks judging competition

University of Adelaide Meat judging team

Agriculture, animal science and vet students perform a cut above the rest at the Australian Intercollegiate Meat Judging conference.

[Read more about Students claim high-steaks judging competition]

Mediterranean drought-tolerant vines set for Australian experiment

Alex Copper and xynisteri vines

Wine researchers are investigating drought-tolerant grape varieties from Cyprus for their suitability for Australian conditions.

[Read more about Mediterranean drought-tolerant vines set for Australian experiment]

$35.6 million boost for sciences' research infrastructure

Plant Accelerator, Waite campus

Research for a range of industrial sectors including scientific, advanced manufacturing, defence, resources, biomedical and agriculture has received a major boost.

[Read more about $35.6 million boost for sciences' research infrastructure]

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