News: Honours projects - Ecology and environmental science

Xenobiotic metabolism in Australian marsupials

Lab equipment

Honours project: Investigate the dietary effect of eucalyptus terpenes on drug metabolising enzyme CYPs and UGTs in Australian marsupials.

[Read more about Xenobiotic metabolism in Australian marsupials]

Plant systematics & population genetics, evolutionary ecology & plant macrofossils

Plant systematics & population genetics, evolutionary ecology & plant macrofossils

Honours project: Work with some of South Australia’s leading scientists on a research project about plant systematics and population genetics, evolutionary ecology or plant macrofossils.

[Read more about Plant systematics & population genetics, evolutionary ecology & plant macrofossils]

Plasticity of lifespan in the honeybee & the disposable soma theory

Honeybee genetics research

Honours project: This project investigates the plasticity of lifespan in the honeybee and the disposable soma theory.

[Read more about Plasticity of lifespan in the honeybee & the disposable soma theory]

Sex chromosomes of the platypus & echidna

Platypus image - Image courtesy of Matt Chan

Honours project: Study the meiotic organisation of monotreme sex chromosomes – that’s genetics research into the platypus and echidna.

[Read more about Sex chromosomes of the platypus & echidna]

Active & Passive Measurement of Atmospheric Trace Gases

Honours projects: This project could develop along a couple of paths. either developing a lidar (active) that measures Raman-scattered light from water, and which will ultimately be deployed at Davis Station in Antarctica as part of a larger campaign to understand the influence of the Southern Ocean in the Earth’s climate system; or quantifying methane leaks, based on a knowledge of the local atmospheric conditions and measured methane concentrations.

[Read more about Active & Passive Measurement of Atmospheric Trace Gases]

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